New signal processing schemes based on photonic-phononic emitter-receivers in silicon

Heedeuk Shin Department of Applied Physics, Yale University
Seminar Date: 
Friday, October 31, 2014 - 12:00pm
Prospect Street
New Haven, CT

Abstract: Recent investigations of the photon-phonon interactions in micro- and nano-scale systems initiate new ways of signal processing with greatly enhanced performance to the unprecedented degree. In this talk, I will discuss optical forces and recent achievements in optomechanics in micro- and nano-scale systems. I will present our recent first-ever demonstration of the photonic-phononic emitter-receiver (PPER) system in multi-port silicon Brillouin-active membrane waveguides. The PPER system shows the second-order filtering responses, promising practical applications in optical RF signal processing with unprecedented frequency selectivity and performances. The controllable photon-phonon interaction in our systems could provide a host of new optical signal processing technologies.

Paul Fleury
Seminar Announcement Brochure: 

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