Freebeam is software which will convert GDS format patterns into Raith EBPG pattern files (GPF).
Parameters for Freebeam, such as field size and beam step, are set with simple bash scripts. An example is provided as part of the installation.
The installation script included in the download works on RHEL systems, such as the EBPG linux console. Instructions are included for manual installation on Ubuntu Linux.
Requires: python3, gcc
Optional: Qt5, PyQt5, and the Layout CAD python module.
Click here to download Layout. This module is used for overlap removal.
Click here to download Freebeam.
Move the tar file (.tgz) to /home/pg/bin (on an ebpg) or to /usr/local/bin, then unpack it:
mkdir /home/pg/bin # if necessary
mv /home/pg/Downloads/freebeam* /home/pg/bin/ # or to /usr/local/bin
cd /home/pg/bin
tar xvzf freebeam*.tgz
cd freebeam
Polygons can be generated for UPG systems, and trapezia can be generated for older GPG machines. On UPG systems, Raith’s “firebird” option will allow polygon patterns to run as fast as trapezoid (parallelogram) patterns. Without ‘firebird’, the shape overhead is higher.