Cheat Sheets
E-beam Resist Processes
Local wisdom
see also HSQ essential tips from the FAQ files
Conducting layer for HSQ resist
Development of PMMA in IPA/water
Conducting layers for insulating substrates
Remote wisdom
Caltech - PMMA, ma-N, SML, PMMA bilayer, ZEP (CSAR)
Un. Minnesota PMMA/PMGI bilayer
Cornell - PMMA, NEB, ZEP (CSAR), HSQ (Dow XR1541), ma-N
Development of PMMA in ethanol/water, aka “Development characteristics of polymethyl methacrylate in alcohol/water mixtures: a lithography and Raman spectroscopy study,” L.E. Ocola, M. Costales, D.J. Gosztola, Nanotechnology, Volume 27, Number 3
Electron-beam lithography training material
EBPG training is now an online Yale Canvas course. Yale students should contact the YINQE staff for an invitation to enroll.
This training course is also available here on this page, for people outside of Yale.
E-beam Tips and Tricks
For EBPG system administrators
Caltech EBPG (Note that some procedures described here are not allowed at Yale. Be sure to ask permission before trying anything new.)