

Do you have a clever ebpg script or utility?

You can add it to the fun pak!  

Name System Description Download Link
EBPG Fun Pak EBPG, Linux

All sorts of EBPG goodies, including weekly_check, gpfsort, gpfmerge,, align_window, find_edge, find_square, set_current, and more. NEW: perfcheck summary program, cjob installation scripts,  utilities for setting high beam currents, dose_matrix program for creation of dose tests. Check out the presentation on drift and sorting for examples of gpfsort in action. Gpfsort  and ybrsort can now sort fields by a specified path. provides a well-documented method for using correlation alignment.

Click here to download the ebpg funpak

Flatten GDS v3.13 Linux, generic

Flatten GDSII pattern files, removing hierarchy and rendering rotations, scaling, etc, as simple polygons. Rotated, scaled, and mirrored cells are now handled properly. A python script for flattening with Layout is included, for pathological cases.

GDS Dump Linux, generic

Print contents of a GDSII pattern file as text, which is useful for debugging CAD problems.

GDS Library Linux, generic

A library of C functions for reading and writing GDSII pattern format. Example included.

Bruker AFM Analysis Windows

Bruker’s AFM NanoScope Analysis, for Yale AFM users only. Others, please contact Bruker directly.

Download NanoScope Analysis 1.9 from Yale Box

Freebeam - convert patterns to EBPG format Linux

Freebeam: Pattern fracturing and conversion to GPF for EBPG systems. The download includes all source code for Linux systems. Easiest installation is on an EBPG console. Click here for more information and for the github download link.


To unpack downloaded files that end in “.tar”, use the command 

tar xvf filename.tar 

To unpack downloaded files that end in “.tar.gz” or “.tgz” use the command 

tar xvzf filename.tar.gz 

To unpack files that end in “.zip”… If you need help with this then you really should not be attempting e-beam lithography. Go home and take a nap. 

Look in the file INSTALL or install.txt for further instructions. 

These programs are open-source and are dependent on other open-source code. They will run on nearly any distribution of GNU/Linux and are distributed here under the GNU general public license.