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This is the online course for e-beam lithography with the Raith EBPG-5200. Please read each presentation then complete the corresponding quiz or exercise. After completing this course you will be invited to schedule a hands-on laboratory session.
1. Introduction
Quiz 2 (note 1)
4. Alignment
Send a note to the instructor with the name of your CAD file.
Complete both of these exercises:
Pattern conversion exercise with Beamer (note 1)
Pattern conversion exercise with Freebeam (note 1)
Send a note to the instructor with the file names for the completed exercises.
7. Documentation - follow the links on this page and read the tips and tricks for users
8. Getting the least from your e-beam
9. Create a simple bash script - do this exercise:
Hello World script (note 2)
Optional reading
Note 1: This exercise requires the use of the e-beam linux server, which can be accessed from inside Yale or with the Yale VPN. If you do not have a Yale ID, then you will have to go to the YINQE lab in person to complete this part.
Note 2: You can complete this exercise if you have your own linux computer, or if you use "Windows subsystem for linux" on a Windows PC. Otherwise, you will have to go to the YINQE lab in person.
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